Daniele Fanelli
- Latest news:
- 1-6-2024 Whoa, that was a long time! Lots great updates, though.
I am on my way to the WCRI to give a keynote in the opening session and present results of two other studies, including the first direct (pre-registered) evidence that K theory works - it predicted the irreproducibility of the BRI data!
I will then be off to Kenya to get young Psychologists interested in how complexity affects their field, at this year's SIPS conference.
- The Theoretical and Empirical METascience (TEMET) lab was officially born two months ago, with the onboarding of its first researcher, Dr Ifan Jams, and the registering of the lab's URL temet.science (actual webpage will come ASAP).
comCensus has developed beautifully: check out the new logo on the well curated new landing page. Can you see the brain?
More importantly, comCensus now implements a set of proprietary algorithms that help all particiants have the best, most productive and engaging experience. This is just the first step in a series of technological innovations in the pipeline.
After a large number of tests and trials, comCensus will soon see its first large-scale employment on something big. Sorry, no spoilers. Yet.
- 19-5-2023 Proud and excited to see the nascent comCensus.org startup featured in this excellent Nature article!
- 15-5-2023 Belated new year resolution: resume curating and updating this site! I will start by sharing a few news about me:
- I have landed a great job as Ass Prof at Heriot-Watt University, where I will teach research method and finally be able to establish a lab.
Postdocs positions will soon be advertised!
- I have also started testing comCensus.org, the evolution of the covidConsensus project.
The plan is to learn a bit more how to engage participants, smoothen the edges, and then start building a team!
On the K theory (now preferably called "Information Compression Theory", ICT) front, I will soon pre-register a crucial test, where
we'll try to predict results of the Brazilian Reproducibility Initiative. That'll be exciting!
Still on the ICT front (see what I did?), I am preparing a talk for The Science of Consciousness Conference, next week.
I shall propose an original theory to explain consciosness based on ICT, currently named "Metaknowledge theory" (MKT, I guess?).
The metankowledge explanation solves, it seems to me, many apparent mysteries about consciousness, including the (non) existence of qualia and the so-called Hard Problem.
Can't wait to hear what the TSC folks think!
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